“I want to get a small business loan to start a business”

business loan

I have been a consultant with the UGA Small Business Development Center for almost 5 years, and I can’t tell you how many times I have heard this statement, or some variation of it. Unfortunately, a lot of these people do not have a good understanding of how to set up a business financially so […]

Top 5 CyberThreats That Everybody Needs to be Aware

UK talks to security researchers, ex-FBI and ex-NSA cyber experts to find out about deadly threats in cyberspace. Cyberspace has increasingly become a battleground for malicious entities intent on creating havoc. Whether it be scamming unsuspecting users, profiting by stealing sensitive user data or targeting big businesses and governments to ferret out classified information, cyberspace […]

The Answers are Different This Week…

Dwight D. Eisenhower said, “In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.” For many of us, allocating time to plan becomes a significant challenge of priorities. Do we work on the urgent or the important today? Frequently, this becomes the question of the day. In most cases, […]

CyberStrength 1.1: What is C.I.A.? (Understanding the Information Triad)

By Mark R. Lupo, CBCP Most of us are familiar with the three letter combination, CIA, with our minds immediately going to visions of international espionage and the Central Intelligence Agency.  When it comes to our digital information, though, these three letters take on a different meaning.  Within the digital realm, these three letters, C.I.A., […]

13 Seconds…

By Mark Lupo, CBCP Back in the late fall of 2014, our UGA SBDC team conducted a tour of our service area of 11 counties in southwest Georgia.  Traveling through several counties, our travels put us in Meriwether County for the lunchtime hour and we decided to have lunch at the Bullock House. Many of […]


Customers are the life blood of any business and owners sometimes forget to say “thank you” on a regular basis. You may have several customers that have been with you since you first opened your doors. When was the last time you reached out and sincerely thanked them for their support of your business? With Thanksgiving approaching this week, my thoughts turn to gratitude.

A Time to Prepare…

As we enter this holiday season, preparing your family, your business, for the unexpected might not exactly be top of mind.  This time of year traditionally brings with it thoughts of the holidays, festive gatherings with family and friends, celebrations, and gift buying.  The holiday season doesn’t normally stimulate one to think, ‘What if…’ for emergency […]

3 Strategies for Maximizing Your Potential on LinkedIn

Tips for Building Your Brand on LinkedIn https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/284728   3 Strategies for Maximizing Your Potential on LinkedIn Become an authority, identify partnerships and generate leads. Image credit: Bloomberg | Getty Images Tony Messer Contributor Co-founder and CEO of Pickaweb November 16, 2016 If you’re a small business owner, there’s no doubt that you’ve heard the […]