User Experience in Management

In case you missed the first post of this blog series, How to Connect Through Experience, this blog post is part of a three post series which serves as an overview/background for an upcoming National ABSDC Conference presentation delivered by Michael Myers (Consultant for UGA SBDC in Athens) and myself (J. Ashley Panter, Marketing Manager at […]
User Experience in Marketing

In case you missed the first post of this blog series, How to Connect Through Experience, this blog post is part of a three post series which serves as an overview/background for an upcoming National ABSDC Conference presentation delivered by Michael Myers (Consultant for UGA SBDC in Athens) and myself (J. Ashley Panter, Marketing Manager at […]
Assistance from the SBDC Helps Students Master Business Basics

As most people know (or at least we hope), the University of Georgia Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is a statewide provider of management consulting and business education for small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs. As a part of a nationwide network of SBDC programs, the UGA SBDC has offices in 17 locations across the […]
2018 Flewellen Award Winners

Throughout the year, there are many consultants that go above and beyond “the call of duty,” to ensure that their clients are taken care of and succeed. Each year at our Annual Awards Banquet, the UGA SBDC names deserving consultants, “Flewellen Award Winners.” This recognition is named for Dr. William Flewellen, who is considered to […]
Monitor Four Critical Areas of Your Business

Here are the ONLY 4 things a small business needs to pay attention to on a daily basis to get up and running successfully.