3 Ways to Organize Your Sales Team for Success

One of the most common mistakes early stage entrepreneurs make is assuming that their product or service will “sell itself.” With very few exceptions, this is almost never the case; sales success is usually the combination of hard work, persistence, and having a well-organized sales strategy. One of the key reasons the “selling itself” myth is so persistent is that […]
2016: More Profits, Less Chocolate

The year 2016 has arrived and with it, our annual declarations of New Year’s resolutions and fresh starts. My resolutions this year are to win the lottery, compete on Dancing with the Stars (as a star of course), and limit myself to only ONE pound of chocolate per day. In reality, statistics show that only […]
Should I Have an App for My Business?

In this age of handheld interaction with smartphones and tablets, businesses need to engage their customer base as much as possible. What better way than with a mobile app? But before launching into the new world of app development, business owners should answer three major questions. What do you want the app to do? […]
How to Successfully Post on Facebook

Everyone knows how to post to Facebook, but not everyone knows how to SUCCESSFULLY post to Facebook. When scrolling through my timeline, I often see terrible posts by marketers who get lazy. They share an article and just include the link. No description or even custom image. This is a “no-no.” Facebook surveyed users and […]
It’s Not The What, But The Why

The age of the infomercial seems to be at a close. Current trends are showing consumers are looking for authenticity and vulnerability from the business with which they shop. This need or desire for authenticity or “realism” is evident with the vast amount of reality television shows such as The Bachelor, Real Housewives of Beverly […]
4th Annual Women’s Business Expo in Athens, Nov. 20th

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Learn . . . Connect . . . Grow . . . Succeed at the UGA SBDC in Athens 4th Annual Women’s Business Expo. A regional favorite is back! Join us on Friday, November 20th at the UGA Special Collections Library to grow your connections with other women in business, learn from, and be […]
Advertising on Facebook the Niche Way

Not a day goes by without me getting questions about how to better use social media to help gain new customers and increase sales. In particular, business owners want to use Facebook more efficiently because they use it personally and know that many of their customers use the popular network. Well it’s true; according to a USA Today article, there are 1.39 […]
5 Ways to Plan Ahead for Success

I know it can be really hard for business owners to plan for something happening six months from now. Making that sale today, the customer who is in your store right now, making payroll on Friday – these are always more urgent. But, really successful business owners keep an eye out farther than that. Get […]