Updated Financials, Better Data Land Loan for Valdosta Wake Compound

Valdosta State University students Luke Tilt and Quinn Silvernale competed together on the university’s wake boarding team. Tilt was required for his business class to develop a plan for an imaginary new company. So he wrote a plan modeled after the cable parks they had visited in Europe and Florida. Wake boarding, for the uninitiated, […]
2018 Flewellen Award Winners

Throughout the year, there are many consultants that go above and beyond “the call of duty,” to ensure that their clients are taken care of and succeed. Each year at our Annual Awards Banquet, the UGA SBDC names deserving consultants, “Flewellen Award Winners.” This recognition is named for Dr. William Flewellen, who is considered to […]
Funding Your Small Business

Cash is to a business what oxygen is to a human…necessary for survival. Finding the needed cash for your business can be challenging, but with the growth of alternative lenders, there are more options available now for established companies. Startups on the other hand, may find it more difficult to gain access to cash without […]
Aid in Securing USDA Loan Places Southwest Georgia Product on Store Shelves Across the U.S.

Ray Crosby knows his bees and honey. A third-generation farmer who lives with his family in Omega, a rural southwest Georgia town, he understands what makes his product—packaged as pure, unfiltered raw honey— unique. His knowledge, in fact, resonates with the customers from coast-to-coast who buy Weeks Honey. “Working with Ray, I’ve learned a lot […]