2018 Flewellen Award Winners

Throughout the year, there are many consultants that go above and beyond “the call of duty,” to ensure that their clients are taken care of and succeed. Each year at our Annual Awards Banquet, the UGA SBDC names deserving consultants, “Flewellen Award Winners.” This recognition is named for Dr. William Flewellen, who is considered to […]
Full Knowledge of Funding Options Helps Launch New Macon Brewpub

“I found out that Josh and the SBDC were resources small businesses could use, for free. I thought, ‘Wow, here’s a guy who’s like an extension of my staff. Why wouldn’t I go to him?’ We got to talking, and he told me about the financing, market analysis and other help he could provide.”
Josh Walton Named UGA SBDC Consultant of the Year

“Josh stands out among his colleagues and consistently makes a positive impact on the clients that he serves as well as the UGA SBDC,” said Adams.