Targeting Your Customers
A lot of business owners feel that they have to market to the whole world – or at least their whole city/county/community. It scares them to consciously make a decision not to market to some segment (or segments) of their universe. As small business owners, we don’t have huge marketing budgets. So, it really is […]
5 Tips for Using Facebook Ads
As of July 2016, Facebook announced the decline in your organic reach for business page. The main reason for that is because Facebook wants to show users what they want to see from their friends. Facebook has a great handle on what is important to you based on who and what you interact with most […]
Three S’s of Business Success
The year 2016 has seen the greatest increase in consumer spending in six years. Rising home prices and personal incomes are driving up disposable income, resulting in more frequent and larger consumer purchases. Meanwhile, thousands of baby boomers are retiring daily, opening the door for a new cohort of earners to jump in and step […]
Business Loan Application Tips Borrowers Can Take to the Bank
Whether it’s to start, operate, expand or acquire a business, capital is required. Just how much is available, and what it will cost depends on each business’s unique situation and the personal financial position of its ownership. These two factors are so important that they find their way into the starting lineup of every loan application. Borrowers who have a good understanding of […]
Manage Your Business Taxes – Don’t Let Them Manage You
As an SBDC Business Consultant, I have the opportunity to work with a lot of business owners, and one of the things I have figured out is that NONE of them got into their businesses so that they could pay taxes. The restaurant owner wants to serve really great food. The car dealer is a car guy. But taxes are a fact of business life. So, it is a good idea to have a game plan to handle them in an efficient way so that you can focus on the real reason you got into business in the first place. Here are a few suggestions:
To Use a Facebook Page or Not
I teach a workshop for small business owners on how to use social media for their business. The majority of the workshop focuses on Facebook. It is my professional opinion that every business and/or public figure should have a business page. A frequent question I am asked is, “should a personal Facebook profile be used […]
Rezoning Land for a Business
It isn’t every day that a business owner is faced with the prospect of changing how a piece of property is zoned. There are a couple of situations that typically cause this type of situation to arise: You may already own some property and want to operate a business that is not consistent with its […]
Applying for a Business Loan
Whether it’s to start, operate, expand, or acquire a business, capital is required. Just how much is available, and what it will cost, depends on each business’s unique situation and the personal financial position of its ownership. These two factors are so important that they find their way into the starting lineup of every loan […]