“If I Only had Known…”

As one looks to enter the world of entrepreneurship or expand their current business, the question is the same….What are some common mistakes or things we can avoid. Here are a few of them: Cash is King! Not having a large enough cash reserve in the beginning or in the growth stage of a business […]
Half of Millennials Plan to Start a Business in the Next 3 Years

Study Conducted by America’s SBDC Reveals Insights into the Entrepreneurial Mindsets of Different Generations of Americans Washington, D.C. – America’s SBDC partnered with the Center for Generational Kinetics to better understand how different generations view and approach entrepreneurship. The findings reinforced previously held beliefs such as a strong entrepreneurial inclination among millennials, while challenging preconceived […]
Should a Small Business Have a Strategic Plan in Today’s Ever-Changing Environment?

Many small businesses do not have a strategic plan. This may be because 1) they do not really know what it is or how to do one; 2) they believe strategic plans are for big business; or 3) it simply has not been a priority in the face of dealing with day to day, ‘more […]
To My Employees With Love

Today is Valentine’s Day and love is in the air. What better way to make your employees happy and productive than to declare your love for them? Not that kind of love–that’s creepy–but, rather, the platonic love that makes your employees feel cared for and appreciated–that’s your goal for this week. After all, without your employees, would […]
The Right Tools and Structure Make Growth Possible for Atlanta Translation Business

See how the #UGA #SBDC helped this #smallbiz grow their sales by 30%. “When nobody else wanted to help me out, they were there.”
How 30 Business Owners Set & Achieve Their Goals

We interact with hundreds of business owners and executive leaders each year and if you give us more than 10 minutes, the conversation will veer toward the goals for their business and ours. For most of us, we go to sleep and wake up thinking about our businesses. With the year coming to a close, […]

Customers are the life blood of any business and owners sometimes forget to say “thank you” on a regular basis. You may have several customers that have been with you since you first opened your doors. When was the last time you reached out and sincerely thanked them for their support of your business? With Thanksgiving approaching this week, my thoughts turn to gratitude.
Good Cybersecurity Can Be Good Marketing

Recent research conducted by IBM among global boardroom and C-suite executives in 28 countries found that better cybersecurity is among their top technology priorities. But while CMOs “are key drivers of digital-based growth for most organizations, many are not in the habit of working with the CIO, and are certainly not in the habit of working […]