With agriculture serving as Georgia's primary revenue generator, this program aims to help agricultural producers demystify the loan process. Participants will acquire foundational knowledge in farm planning, the significance of well-prepared financial statements, and the specific criteria agricultural lenders look for in loan approvals. Join us and equip yourself with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the intricacies of agricultural financing with confidence!
Monday, April 15, 2024
9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Bio coming soon
All programs of the UGA SBDC are open to the public on a non-discriminatory basis. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance.
Funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.
The University of Georgia
Small Business Development Center
382 East Broad Street
Athens, GA 30602-5412
P: (706) 542-2762