0488-012 AUG Supervisor Skills for the Modern Manager

Supervisor Skills for the Modern Manager

Tuesday, April 22nd
$ 199.00
In Person
Managing a Business


This workshop helps participants discover new management styles, communication styles, progressive discipline processes and more to help your employees improve and reduce turnover.

This course is designed for business owners that supervise employees or have employees that supervise other employees. Through this program, participants will help owners and supervisory employees become better managers. Participants will be exposed to management styles, communication styles, social styles, situational awareness, time management, hiring, training and the progressive discipline process to help employees improve and reduce turnover. This class exposes participants to what constitutes as quality customer service and how to implement a strong customer service program.

Starts in 3 weeks!


  • Identify traits of a good manager
  • Use communication styles
  • Identify social styles and situational awareness
  • Optimize your time management
  • Hire, train and manage people
  • Identify what great customer service looks like


Tuesday, April 22, 2025
8:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Cost: $199.00
Mayo Strategic Advisors' Conference Room
2907 Professional Parkway
Augusta, GA


Rebecca Mixson

Rebecca is a dynamic, visionary business consultant who has been with the UGA SBDC in Augusta since 2014, initially as a Program Coordinator, then as a Business Consultant. Her teaching of such programs as Starting A Business, Business Plan Essentials, and Winning Through Customer Service enhances her ability to understand cross-functional business operations. Rebecca works with established and aspiring entrepreneurs regarding basic business information and direction in growth as a business owner by helping assess opportunities and facilitate strategic planning for successful implementation. Her extensive business, retail and educational background provides a solid foundation to guide clients toward success.

Eric Frickey

Eric Frickey is a senior business consultant for UGA SBDC in Augusta and has been a valued member of the team for over 10 years. Previously, Eric's background involved licensing federally funded technologies to small businesses, securing patent protection, commercial marketing and negotiating patent and copyright licenses. With a strong depth of knowledge for business banking, Eric also has considerable experience with loan applications. He is the rockstar of the office when it comes to Quick Books and financial management. Eric has his BA in Finance, BS in Chemistry, and MBA in Management. 

Hosting Center: UGA Small Business Development Center in Augusta
A Public Service and Outreach unit of the University of Georgia, funded through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. All programs of the UGA SBDC are open to the public on a non-discriminatory basis. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Contact Shelby Carl at [email protected] or call 706-650-5655