Heroes to CEOs

Are you a Veteran with an entrepreneurial idea, or a business that needs a boost? Submit your business plan now for a chance to win a $25,000 grant to help turn your idea into a success.
Why Military Veterans Should Become Entrepreneurs

I’m one of the 2.5 million veterans who served in Iraq or Afghanistan. I’m also an entrepreneur. And I’m not alone. The men and women of today’s armed services are uniquely positioned to become successful entrepreneurs. To my fellow veterans: You have what it takes. By nature of your military service, you possess the skills […]
Exponential Growth, International Demand Send Columbus Entrepreneur to the UGA SBDC

“We had a brainstorming session with the SBDC export consultant, Dimitris Kloussiadis, after Mark introduced us. With container costs high, we decided to license our equipment to be built in Australia. We manufacture the control boxes and cameras here and ship them overseas,” says Pinkston.