Lending and Marketing Assistance Help Put Augusta Meat Market on the Map

Meat markets and butcher shops nationwide are losing more and more customers to competition from traditional grocery stores, super centers and nontraditional food retailers like Target. But don’t tell Wayne Lanier’s customers in Augusta. They wouldn’t believe it. In fact, they know if you don’t get to Lanier’s Meat Market early enough, you’ll have to […]
Making Something Out of Nothing – Money is No Excuse

Assisting entrepreneurs to estimate their funding needs, whether launching a new business or expanding an existing one, is a service we provide at the UGA SBDC. Identifying sources of capital and gaining access is another area of support. That said, tracking how businesses are funded is an important and interesting part of our job. Over […]
Business Planning Leads to Smooth Operations for Augusta Coffee Roaster

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Newspaper veterans John and Pat Curry love a good cup of coffee. So when they ran across a book on home coffee roasting several years ago, they purchased it and a small home roaster. Soon, John was spending Saturday afternoons roasting on their front porch in Athens. In 2009, John and Pat were laid off […]
The Financials – Friend or Foe?

Daily at the SBDC (Small Business Development Center) we have the privilege of working with entrepreneurs from a broad range of industries. Although the industries may vary, many of the challenges entrepreneurs face are common, no matter what the industry. One such challenge we often see relates to numbers and financial statements. When it comes […]