Things Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Georgia’s Sugar Bowl Loss

Let’s be honest… most of Dawgnation is waking up this morning like: But you know what? Failure happens. It happens to us all… especially to entrepreneurs… it’s inevitable. The worst part about failure is the feeling of being crushed, defeated, and as if you’ll never be a successful entrepreneur (or a National Championship winning football […]

How This Founder Uses His Competitiveness to Succeed in Business

Matt Ehrlichman, CEO and co-founder of Porch, a home-services platform connecting homeowners to home improvement resources, is clearly a competitive man. When he was in elementary school he wanted to be a professional athlete, a pro-basketball player, and the competitive attitude that often comes from sports has certainly transferred into business with him. He likes to […]

Successful Entrepreneurship 101: Being less Busy and More Productive

Diversity business team jumping celebrating success

Entrepreneurs often profess to be stressed out and “so busy” that they never have time for anything, even their own families and friends. When I ask many of my former clients about leaving their business to their children, many respond that their children don’t want the business. They just don’t want to work the long […]

The Entrepreneurial DNA and the Keys to Success

Entrepreneur's Keys to Success

In the eighteenth century, the typical entrepreneur was defined simply as one who started a business. This definition has over time expanded to include other attributes such as one who is a risk taker as well as one who possess the ability and skills to manage scarce resources.  In today’s global environment, the DNA of […]