CMMC V1.02 – PE.1.131: Limit Physical Access to Organizational Information Systems
The next four practices to be addressed reside within the Physical Protection (PE) Domain. The Physical Protection Domain covers activities which ensure that physical access to CUI asset containers is strictly controlled, managed, and monitored in accordance with CUI protection requirements. In this entry, we are discussing the first of the Practices, PE.1.131: Limit physical […]
CMMC V1.0 – AC.1.004 – Control Information Posted or Processed on Publicly Accessible Information Systems

The fourth Practice required to be implemented under CMMC V1.0 within your information security plans, also falls under the Capability, Limit data access to authorized users and processes (C004). This Practice is titled, Control Information Posted or Processed on Publicly Accessible Information Systems (and is found on Pg 52 of the Appendix B PDF or […]
Veterans and Federal Contracting Business Opportunites

In FY2014, the federal government awarded $445.6 billion in contracts, with $91.7 billion awarded to small businesses. In the same year, veteran-owned small businesses received $19.0 billion in contracts. Veterans are 9.1 percent of all business owners in the United States. The federal government is committed to seeking veteran owned small-businesses (VOSB) to buy from. There are two main programs in use today. The first is the Small […]
Four Factors to Consider When Expanding your Business

There will come a time when you will saturate the market and have to consider growing your business by entering a new location. While there are many factors to consider, current relationships could play a major role in the success of the new location. As you and your team begin searching and planning, remember to consider […]