Lead with Optimism – A Message for Business Owners

Do you see the world around you as half empty or half full? Your view on the world, and the environment in which you live and work, matters in leadership. The best leaders throughout time have been those who can maintain a positive outlook, regardless of their circumstances. How can a leader create a vision […]
How Running A Small Business is Like Coaching a Football Team

It may not be something that often crosses your mind, but football coaches and small business owners have a lot in common. Both professions require leadership, dedication, commitment and a strong work ethic in order to succeed. Just like football coaches, as a small business owner, you must take on many roles to ensure everybody […]
Leadership That Drags at the Top: Five Steps to Prevention for CEOs and Owners

In The Future of Management, Gary Hamel writes about the challenge of preventing top management’s out-ofdate beliefs from impeding strategic renewal and how to minimize the drag of old mental models. The issue is, understandably, one usually more obvious to middle managers than to top management. As small businesses grow, a common practice is to […]