Sound Startup Advice Leads to Rapid Growth for Canine Rehab Center

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Georgia Bottoms is a licensed physical therapist. She treated people in acute care and skilled nursing facilities in Savannah before becoming the wound care coordinator at Memorial Health. However, her focus changed from people to their dogs after her pup, Ripken, needed extensive rehabilitation to recover from knee surgery. “The physical therapist in the clinic […]
Digital Entrepreneur Sharpens Own Business Practices By Teaching

Garrett Massey’s web development start-up, Eyesore Inc., is in its fourth office since its 2007 launch, a historic Coca-Cola bottling facility in downtown Griffin. With nine full-time staff and annual sales shaping up to 50 percent growth for 2015, the company would seem to consume all of his time and energy. It does not. Massey […]
Advertising on Facebook the Niche Way

Not a day goes by without me getting questions about how to better use social media to help gain new customers and increase sales. In particular, business owners want to use Facebook more efficiently because they use it personally and know that many of their customers use the popular network. Well it’s true; according to a USA Today article, there are 1.39 […]