How a Smiley Face in the Right Place Can Improve Audience Engagement

Smirky face, fist bump, high five, dancing emoji, etc. At some point or another… you’ve used an emoji. And if you haven’t, you can’t ignore them any longer—emoji are here to stay. They gravitated towards social media and now they’re a regular fixture even in email communications (even though you won’t find emoji images in […]
5 Items to Review on Your Facebook Page

Does you Facebook Page layout for desktop look different than it did before? In early August 2016, Facebook launched the new Facebook Page layout for desktops! Here are FIVE items to review for Page owners: Review your COVER IMAGE. You now no longer have to take into account the profile picture or other content overlay. […]
5 Tips for Using Facebook Ads

As of July 2016, Facebook announced the decline in your organic reach for business page. The main reason for that is because Facebook wants to show users what they want to see from their friends. Facebook has a great handle on what is important to you based on who and what you interact with most […]
Facebook and the Power of Video

78% of Americans have one or more social media accounts, which means no matter who your customer is they’re probably on social media. In an age of exponential digital and mobile growth, it’s increasingly difficult to grow your business without social in your marketing mix. There’s no doubt Facebook is King of the social media roost, and that video is the fastest growing type of viral content. But how can your business use video and Facebook to reach customers and make a digital splash? This class is a hands-on, practical guide to getting started with Facebook and video content.
How to Successfully Post on Facebook

Everyone knows how to post to Facebook, but not everyone knows how to SUCCESSFULLY post to Facebook. When scrolling through my timeline, I often see terrible posts by marketers who get lazy. They share an article and just include the link. No description or even custom image. This is a “no-no.” Facebook surveyed users and […]
Advertising on Facebook the Niche Way

Not a day goes by without me getting questions about how to better use social media to help gain new customers and increase sales. In particular, business owners want to use Facebook more efficiently because they use it personally and know that many of their customers use the popular network. Well it’s true; according to a USA Today article, there are 1.39 […]
To Use a Facebook Page or Not

I teach a workshop for small business owners on how to use social media for their business. The majority of the workshop focuses on Facebook. It is my professional opinion that every business and/or public figure should have a business page. A frequent question I am asked is, “should a personal Facebook profile be used […]