Careful Planning Gives Award-Winning Savannah Dessert Bar Owners Room to Expand

From their beginning, Janine Finn and Rebecca Radovich had the right ingredients for a successful dessert enterprise, mixing Finn’s solid business experience with Radovich’s creative food and catering expertise. Starting small with an online cake business in 2006, the business partners quickly decided to sell their confections out of a storefront in downtown Savannah. “We […]
Focus on Your Strengths and Grow

As small business owners continue to tighten their belts, minimize discretionary spending, and watch as friends and family lose their businesses, their jobs, their homes and suffer personal challenges during this recessive economy, it is critical to focus your energies on your business strengths. For those companies who have weathered seasons of the highs and […]
Your Credit is Your Character

When it comes time for you to borrow money to start or expand your business, remember that bankers are risk averse. Their main interest is getting their loan repaid in a timely fashion. Lenders assess the risk factors of the loan through their evaluation of the borrower, using the 5 C’s of credit: collateral, cash, […]