Planning Ahead for Disasters

Hurricane season started on June 1. Now would be a good time to think about your business continuity plans and how well they will keep your company up and running through interruptions of any kind: natural disasters, power failures, IT system crashes, supply chain problems, loss of key employee(s), and more. The SBA recently […]
A Time to Prepare…

As we enter this holiday season, preparing your family, your business, for the unexpected might not exactly be top of mind. This time of year traditionally brings with it thoughts of the holidays, festive gatherings with family and friends, celebrations, and gift buying. The holiday season doesn’t normally stimulate one to think, ‘What if…’ for emergency […]
Be Hard. Be Strong. Be Ready.

By Mark Lupo, CBCP Remembering those who have served this Veteran’s Day… “Let us always remember the sacrifices others have made that we may remain free.” – M. Lupo The story goes that a U.S. Army Ranger unit was conducting a night operation over the skies of Central America. This particular unit had as its mission to […]
Emergency Preparedness—Is Your Business Ready?
Blackouts, brownouts, tornados, hurricanes, ice storms, terrorist incidents… Each of these events can have a devastating effect on the way in which we live our lives and for the continuity of your business. Though preparation will not eliminate the stress or potential for injury or death, it can help mitigate the effects. And being prepared […]