User Experience in Management

In case you missed the first post of this blog series, How to Connect Through Experience, this blog post is part of a three post series which serves as an overview/background for an upcoming National ABSDC Conference presentation delivered by Michael Myers (Consultant for UGA SBDC in Athens) and myself (J. Ashley Panter, Marketing Manager at […]
How to Connect Through Experience

The basic theory of behavioral economics is that consumers often act against their own economic best interests when making decisions, due to a variety of biases. According to Customer Experience Psychologist Liraz Margalit, Ph.D., while logic plays a large part in the decision making process when it comes to life purchases (such as insurance or […]
Investing in Your Staff Pays Off

As a business consultant, I have noticed that many of my clients are laser-focused on increasing sales. More sales = long-term success, so they spend their efforts creating and implementing strong promotional campaigns. I coach my clients that long-term success is based on client retention (repeat business). Because of access to massive amounts of information […]
13 Seconds…

By Mark Lupo, CBCP Back in the late fall of 2014, our UGA SBDC team conducted a tour of our service area of 11 counties in southwest Georgia. Traveling through several counties, our travels put us in Meriwether County for the lunchtime hour and we decided to have lunch at the Bullock House. Many of […]

Customers are the life blood of any business and owners sometimes forget to say “thank you” on a regular basis. You may have several customers that have been with you since you first opened your doors. When was the last time you reached out and sincerely thanked them for their support of your business? With Thanksgiving approaching this week, my thoughts turn to gratitude.
Good Cybersecurity Can Be Good Marketing

Recent research conducted by IBM among global boardroom and C-suite executives in 28 countries found that better cybersecurity is among their top technology priorities. But while CMOs “are key drivers of digital-based growth for most organizations, many are not in the habit of working with the CIO, and are certainly not in the habit of working […]
What Business Can Learn from Pokemom GO

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Pokemon GO is the new internet phenomenon that has taken the world by storm. While I was on vacation last week I downloaded the app to play with my 13-year-old daughter. I confess that I have never played a game on my smartphone before, so why now? I admit I was a little curious as […]
Targeting Your Customers

A lot of business owners feel that they have to market to the whole world – or at least their whole city/county/community. It scares them to consciously make a decision not to market to some segment (or segments) of their universe. As small business owners, we don’t have huge marketing budgets. So, it really is […]