2018 Innovation of the Year Award

At the University of Georgia Small Business Development Center, we offer a number of business training programs throughout the year. In 2017, we offered 229 programs throughout the state of Georgia, to be exact. And although we’ve delivered many standout programs, each year at our Annual Awards Banquet, the UGA SBDC names a limited number […]
GrowSmart® Brings The Business Long View To An Atlanta Production Company

Wendy Eley Jackson possesses the creative credentials eagerly sought by film and television production companies. She developed her artistry while working at TriStar, Sony and TBS. After a while in the industry, though, 60-hour weeks and a desire for a balanced lifestyle led her to form her own company, Golden Street Entertainment, in 1999. She had […]
The Entrepreneur with 1000 Faces: A Formula for Success

The entrepreneurial process can be mapped according to the same story formula that Hollywood uses in our favorite epic films. The formula comes from a model called the Hero’s Journey, which was developed by writer, professor, and mythologist Joseph Campbell. In his book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, he analyzed thousands of stories, myths, […]
Three Types of Small Businesses

You have a small business but you’re not making a profit and haven’t in some time. You may have an employee or two, and you pay them before you pay yourself. You either aren’t paying yourself or are paying less than you could make working for someone else. You may be adding your own money to the business to keep it afloat. […]
The Most Important Cost You Never Consider

John is a web designer. He owns a small web design company and carefully considers the cost of labor, especially outsourced jobs, when he bids on a new website project. Sometimes, to save money, he’ll do most (if not all) of the work himself, especially on smaller jobs. He makes a profit most of the […]