Maximum Money – Improve Cash Flow & Boost Profits
Evaluating a company’s financial health is an essential skill for all business owners. This Maximum Money Course covers the fundamentals of financial analysis. In once a week for five weeks, participants have the opportunity to develop a comprehensive 12 month financial forecast.
Financial Figures You Should Monitor

As a business consultant, I get to help people grow their businesses. The first meeting I have with clients typically starts with them telling me about their business. I watch them light up as they talk about their mission and vision and how far they have come. When I shift the conversation over to their […]
Manage Your Business Taxes – Don’t Let Them Manage You

As an SBDC Business Consultant, I have the opportunity to work with a lot of business owners, and one of the things I have figured out is that NONE of them got into their businesses so that they could pay taxes. The restaurant owner wants to serve really great food. The car dealer is a car guy. But taxes are a fact of business life. So, it is a good idea to have a game plan to handle them in an efficient way so that you can focus on the real reason you got into business in the first place. Here are a few suggestions:
Know Your Numbers

I recently met with a client in the specialty food business. The company, in short time, gained product placement throughout the southeast in one of the largest grocers in the United States. However, her company is operating at a loss, and to make matters worse, her cash balance is dropping faster than her operating losses. […]
Finding the Cash You Need for Your Business

Cash is the life blood of any business, large or small. Like an elite athlete requiring a gulp of oxygen to finish the drill, most businesses need outside sources of cash for top performance – to purchase equipment, enter new markets, or meet payroll. If you need cash to start or grow, what are the options? Equity investment is […]
Profit Engineering for Small Businesses
Now that many businesses have ended their calendar year and are preparing for tax reporting, it is an excellent time to evaluate last year’s performance and define areas needing improvement. As the economy tends to drift along at a sluggish pace, most businesses need to sharpen planning skills and develop a strategy that will deliver […]