State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI)

State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI)

About the Program

Over 80% of younger, smaller firms rely on personal savings or funds from friends or family to fund their business.* This means that only 20% of small, younger firms have access to outside capital sources. 

The UGA Small Business Development Center has a team of business advisors who serve as small and micro business finance specialists. This team is tasked with working with market segments that often lack access to capital or have difficulty accessing traditional lending.

Our business advisors are available to assist businesses through advisory services and educational training programs. 


Georgia Department of Community Affairs


UGA SBDC Business Advisors provide advisory services in the areas of accounting, financial management, capital (loan) acquisition, financial projections creation and the administrative tasks associated with starting a business. 

Contact one of our business advisors if you need assistance:

  • Setting up an accounting /financial management system
  • Creating financial projections or financial statements
  • Seeking or applying for loans or business funding between$50,00-$150,000
  • Legally establishing a business in the state of Georgia (SOS, DOR, EIN, etc.)



Business advisors regularly host online and in-person, no-cost classes and workshops focusing on accounting, financial, and funding issues faced by small and micro businesses. 

In partnership with the UGA SBDC, the University of Georgia College of Family and Consumer Sciences is offering no-cost courses for entrepreneurs to understand and improve their credit scores. Click here for upcoming dates.

February 26th @ 10:00 am
Course Number: 0194-012
Live Webinar
This one-hour live webinar discusses where to find available grant programs, how to qualify and apply. Gain practical insights to help you find grants for your small business.