Attorney Turns to UGA SBDC for Assistance to Establish Firm

Attorney Turns to UGA SBDC for Assistance to Establish Firm

After working in larger law firms for many years, Katrina Quicker was ready to start her own intellectual property law firm. She completed the requirements to establish her business as a limited liability company (LLC) but was unsure of her next steps. That’s when she turned to the University of Georgia Small Business Development Center (UGA SBDC). With help from the UGA SBDC, she put together a business plan, secured funding, identified a rental space and set up the business side of her firm. Since then, the firm has grown 25%, adding two attorneys and increasing its client load.

Quicker has spent her legal career focusing on patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets. But when it came to business, she realized she was out of her area of expertise.

“My practice focuses on science and new inventions, so I had no background in building a business,” she said.

Quicker knew she needed someone with a business background to help her set up her new law firm. A few recommendations from colleagues and a Google search led her to the UGA SBDC.

She connected with Daniel McCoy, senior business consultant at the UGA SBDC at Kennesaw State University, to provide her with the guidance to get her business off the ground.

“During my first meeting at the UGA SBDC, I was given a list of 10 things I needed to do to get my business started,” said Quicker. “And the first thing was to develop a business plan to get a loan.”

She and McCoy evaluated the status of the business, identified an office rental space, determined what the business goals were, and the steps needed to get there.

“From the moment I reserved my LLC to the moment I opened the business, I was on the phone and consulting with the UGA SBDC until I got my loan,” said Quicker.

With the business plan complete, McCoy connected Quicker with potential lenders that would be able to provide the capital she needed to start her business.

“Putting together the business plan was the most beneficial part of my work with the UGA SBDC,” said Quicker “The business plan went hand in hand with being able to walk in a bank to make a pitch to get funding to start my business.”

She received the loan and used those funds to secure her office location and the technology infrastructure needed to start her business.

Her work with the UGA SBDC did not stop there. She continued to work with McCoy to implement QuickBooks and set up her business financials.

“I have learned through the UGA SBDC that I cannot do everything,” said Quicker. “Daniel helped me realize I needed to hire professionals to assist in lots of areas—accounting, payroll, taxes—so that I could spend my time focusing on legal work.”

“She’s knowledgeable and a very hard worker,” McCoy said of Quicker. “She knows the ins and outs of running a business as well as working for a major corporation and her success reflects that.”

Since opening in February 2021, Quicker law has grown 25%. The firm has brought in 30 new clients and two attorneys, with plans to hire more in the future. The firm outgrew its original office, moved to a larger space and is working on renovating the new location to accommodate growth.

"It was such a great experience working with the UGA SBDC and I will continue to reach out as business questions arise. I always tell other business owners about the resources and help we received from the UGA SBDC in building this practice. I couldn’t have done this without the UGA SBDC.”