This Business is Ruining My Date Night: The Dynamics of a Mom & Pop Shop

As a small business owner, wife, and mother, I must admit it’s difficult balancing all of my responsibilities. My husband and I have been partners in a construction business for ten years. In order to keep my sanity, every Wednesday is “date night” for my husband and me. We started this so called “tradition” after […]

A Manager’s Self-Portrait

Do your employees (a) trust management, (b) enjoy their colleagues, and (c) take pride in their work? Is there a team atmosphere in your business or is each employee looking out only for themselves? How do you as the employer or manager build a staff into a team that does the best possible job for […]

Tools for the Toolbox: Hire Right the First Time

Small Business Consulting in Georgia

Small business owners are usually good at technical operations but often have trouble hiring employees. Some simple tools will help you find the right person to fill the job the first time. First, write a job description. Describe the essential job functions in order of importance. Include occasional as well as regular day-to-day tasks. Be […]

Organization and Structure: Aids to Productivity for Small Business Owners

A small business owner recently complained about long hours and a hectic work schedule. “Nothing gets done without a decision from me,” he said in a manner that clearly indicated his frustration. The situation was, indeed, unmanageable. In a very brief time, the threat of loss of control emerged as numerous facets of operations awaited […]

Turnaround Management Everyday

The management practices that cure troubled companies can keep them healthy. I recently completed a self study course, “The Insider Secrets to Saving Your Business: The Stepby-Step Turnaround Guide” by Kevin Muir, founder of Turnaround Central, a highly successful turnaround company. The company has completed over 70 successful turnarounds and has a staff of “C” […]

Never Having to Say You’re Fired!…Hiring the Right Employees

We all associate those two words with a popular multi-millionaire, but many small business owners find themselves having to say, “you’re fired!” more often even than Donald Trump. According to Linda Gartland of Corporate Insights and Development, the top two things managers and small business owners least like to do are hiring and firing. In […]

SWOT Those Pesky Business Problems

If you are the owner of a business, you are involved in making critical business decisions every day. As an entrepreneur, the buck stops with you. You do not have a manual or a supervisor to go to for advice on issues relating to what new products to introduce, where and how to promote your […]

Tell Employees What They Need to Hear

All employers, whether they are businesses, government, or non-profit organizations, have employees that they depend on to make the enterprise function. Making sure employees understand what their responsibilities are and whether they are meeting expectations are responsibilities of managers. Performance evaluations should, on occasion, be written, but they should not be limited to only once […]