UGA Assists with Launch of Turmeric Business
South Georgia couple launches turmeric supplement business with UGA assistance When customers ask Diane and Ed Taylor about the pain-relieving properties of turmeric, they tell them about Bo and Tarra. The two Asian elephants, who live on the 850-acre Elephant Refuge of North America (ERNA) in southern Georgia, no longer suffer from arthritis since […]
Aid in Securing USDA Loan Places Southwest Georgia Product on Store Shelves Across the U.S.
Ray Crosby knows his bees and honey. A third-generation farmer who lives with his family in Omega, a rural southwest Georgia town, he understands what makes his product—packaged as pure, unfiltered raw honey— unique. His knowledge, in fact, resonates with the customers from coast-to-coast who buy Weeks Honey. “Working with Ray, I’ve learned a lot […]