Smart Steps for a New Business
Many people dream of owning their own business, and many of them are successful. Unfortunately, some are not. Thorough planning is critical, so let’s look at some of the things that should be considered. Business concept The basis for a business is meeting needs. Entrepreneurs get their ideas from a range of personal and professional […]
Advertising on Facebook the Niche Way

Not a day goes by without me getting questions about how to better use social media to help gain new customers and increase sales. In particular, business owners want to use Facebook more efficiently because they use it personally and know that many of their customers use the popular network. Well it’s true; according to a USA Today article, there are 1.39 […]
The Case for Strategic Planning
I love the saying “failing to plan is planning to fail.” I think most would agree that it is true but as a small business owner, do you actually have a plan? Many of you started with a business plan to explain the viability and need for your business and to possibly secure funding. That […]
Employee or Independent Contractor?
I recently provided five of my top HR tips to a local magazine. My No. 4 tip was “Don’t misclassify employees as independent contractors to avoid payroll taxes or worker’s compensation insurance. Violations of wage and labor laws can result in costly fines and penalties.” We work with small businesses every day, and the independent […]
New Product with Old Roots Plans for Rapid Production Expansion

Lou Thomann makes delicious teas from yaupon leaves and twigs hand-picked in the wild near his hometown, Savannah. He also uses locally grown honey, muscadine and scuppernong as sweeteners. “Ours is an amazing American story,” he says when asked to describe his new business, ASI Tea, Inc. “We call our yaupon teas the ‘All-American Healthy […]
SBDC Consulting Helps Savannah Musician/Manufacturer Tap the Green Note

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]A journey of fearless, creative self-discovery led renowned New York City jazz musician and music educator Jody Espina into founding JodyJazz, a global manufacturing business. And at a recent TEDxCreativeCoast talk he gave, he said he couldn’t feel happier about the success this journey has brought his way. “When you’re in this positive creative flow, […]