CMMC V1.02 – PE.1.133 – Maintain Audit Logs of Physical Access

PE.1.133 marks the third practice within the Domain, Physical Security, and Capability, Limit physical Access. Where the first two practices within PE were focused on limiting access to systems and individuals, this Practice focuses on the documentation process of how you limit access: Using audit logs. As the content below explains, it is not necessary […]
Thoughts on Small Business and Response and Recovery During COVID-19

Napoleon Hill, author of multiple books, including Think and Grow Rich and The Master Key to Riches, once said, “Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” Though it can be hard for some of us to consider a benefit or opportunity right now, in the […]
13 March – COVID-19 Update – Clarifying Signs and Symptoms to Influenza

With COVID-19 upon us and dramatic actions taken around the world to create social distancing, several questions have emerged as to how best to differentiate between the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 to influenza or even the common cold. As you are probably aware, the general signs and symptoms of active COVID-19 are very similar […]
12 March – COVID-19 – Updated Information/Resources and Clarifying Information for Your Business

With the COVID-19 disease continuing to spread, you and your team will be seeking additional information to help clarify the decisions that need to be made going forward. Here are some links/resources and additional information that may prove helpful in the days and weeks ahead. As of this morning, the Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by the […]
9 Mar 2020 – COVID-19 Progression and Next Steps

By now, we are all pretty much aware of the spread of COVID-19 across the world (and more and more within the U.S. and within Georgia). Containment measure so far have not stopped the spread of the disease and it continues to expand in multiple areas around the nation. As the number of tests conducted […]
3 March – COVID-19 is in Georgia: How Best to Respond – Resources and Links

As expected, the first cases of COVID-19 were diagnosed yesterday in Fulton County, GA. For most of us, this should not be a surprise and should have been expected. With Atlanta Hartsfield located here, it was only a matter of time. In the coming days we will be seeing more cases in Georgia being diagnosed, […]
2 March – Preparing for the Arrival of COVID-19 in Your Community – Helpful Links and Resources

With COVID-19 continuing to spread across the country and world (though with no confirmed cases in Georgia as of yet), now is a great time to brush off your household and office preparedness plan. Hearing some of the reports of panic buying in California (toilet paper was like gold, said one shopper at Costco), Canada, […]
CMMC V1.0 – AC.1.004 – Control Information Posted or Processed on Publicly Accessible Information Systems

The fourth Practice required to be implemented under CMMC V1.0 within your information security plans, also falls under the Capability, Limit data access to authorized users and processes (C004). This Practice is titled, Control Information Posted or Processed on Publicly Accessible Information Systems (and is found on Pg 52 of the Appendix B PDF or […]