3 Pinch Points That Can Stress Your Business

Most every business has areas that impact your ability to deliver products and services efficiently as you grow and demand increases. Watch how your business flows on especially busy days or periods. This demand stresses your traditional business model.
2016: More Profits, Less Chocolate

The year 2016 has arrived and with it, our annual declarations of New Year’s resolutions and fresh starts. My resolutions this year are to win the lottery, compete on Dancing with the Stars (as a star of course), and limit myself to only ONE pound of chocolate per day. In reality, statistics show that only […]
Sound Business Practices Move Georgia Peach Retailer from Stands to Stores

Travelers driving north and south on Interstate 95 will pass 24 billboards inviting them to stop and purchase mouth-watering products like “Fresh Georgia Peaches — Exit 58” and “Georgia Peach Ice Cream” at Georgia Peach World and the Eulonia Country Store in Townsend. The young entrepreneur behind the bold, simple marketing campaign, Jason Reott, is […]
Exit Strategies Take Time and Planning
Most business owners want to sell their business at some point. Unfortunately most fail to plan effectively for this eventuality. In many cases owners cannot find a good buyer and end up liquidating their business for only the value of the assets. Prepping a business to sell for a premium price takes a significant amount […]
Tools for the Toolbox: Hire Right the First Time

Small business owners are usually good at technical operations but often have trouble hiring employees. Some simple tools will help you find the right person to fill the job the first time. First, write a job description. Describe the essential job functions in order of importance. Include occasional as well as regular day-to-day tasks. Be […]
Focus on Your Strengths and Grow

As small business owners continue to tighten their belts, minimize discretionary spending, and watch as friends and family lose their businesses, their jobs, their homes and suffer personal challenges during this recessive economy, it is critical to focus your energies on your business strengths. For those companies who have weathered seasons of the highs and […]
Building a Relationship You Can Bank On

Business relationships are important to overall business success, and far too few borrowers continue in a meaningful relationship with their lender after their loan has closed. In many cases, an adversarial type relationship develops over time. A common perception is that bankers only want to assist you when you don’t need them. Mark Twain even […]