Four Factors to Consider When Expanding your Business
There will come a time when you will saturate the market and have to consider growing your business by entering a new location. While there are many factors to consider, current relationships could play a major role in the success of the new location. As you and your team begin searching and planning, remember to consider […]
Advertising on Facebook the Niche Way
Not a day goes by without me getting questions about how to better use social media to help gain new customers and increase sales. In particular, business owners want to use Facebook more efficiently because they use it personally and know that many of their customers use the popular network. Well it’s true; according to a USA Today article, there are 1.39 […]
The Grass is Always Greener
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Atlas Turf International owner John Holmes figuratively fell into his job selling turf grasses in foreign countries. He worked at Highland Country Club in LaGrange when he was 15, deciding he wanted to be a golf course superintendent. John graduated from Lake City Community College with a degree in turf grass management and began work in […]
To Use a Facebook Page or Not
I teach a workshop for small business owners on how to use social media for their business. The majority of the workshop focuses on Facebook. It is my professional opinion that every business and/or public figure should have a business page. A frequent question I am asked is, “should a personal Facebook profile be used […]
Rezoning Land for a Business
It isn’t every day that a business owner is faced with the prospect of changing how a piece of property is zoned. There are a couple of situations that typically cause this type of situation to arise: You may already own some property and want to operate a business that is not consistent with its […]
Applying for a Business Loan
Whether it’s to start, operate, expand, or acquire a business, capital is required. Just how much is available, and what it will cost, depends on each business’s unique situation and the personal financial position of its ownership. These two factors are so important that they find their way into the starting lineup of every loan […]
Is Your Business Fundable
Throughout my career, I have been able to help several businesses find funding. I could write volumes on the topic of how to fund an early-stage business and what it takes to be fundable. The path to funding depends greatly on the industry, the entrepreneur/inventor, the amount of capital needed, what if any governmental regulations […]
5 Ways to Plan Ahead for Success
I know it can be really hard for business owners to plan for something happening six months from now. Making that sale today, the customer who is in your store right now, making payroll on Friday – these are always more urgent. But, really successful business owners keep an eye out farther than that. Get […]